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At EZRentOut, we are committed to provide an unmatched support experience. You may use any of the following possible means of communication with us:

  2. Blog – great place to start off and read about our existing and upcoming features.
  3. Contribute your ideas – we want our community to be involved in helping us define the products roadmap. Placing feature requests here allow for others to view and vote on them.

FAQs of EZRentOut are listed below:

I need a Login ID and Transaction Key to complete integration with


You can set up integration from Settings → Add Ons → Enable Payments through Credit Card → Use

Once you click Enable, you’ll be asked to enter your API Login ID & Transaction Key.

To retrieve this information, login to From the main toolbar, click Account → Settings → Security Settings → API Login ID and Transaction Key.

To generate a Transaction Key and API Login ID, enter your Secret Answer where prompted.

To learn more about disabling old Transaction Keys, click here.

If you have already generated your API Login ID for another purpose, you will not need to generate it again. It will be available on the same page, shown below:

You can now enter the ID and key back into EZRentOut:

Hit the Verify Account button, and you’re done. Scroll down to the end and click the Update button to save your settings.

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How can I charge payment for multiple Orders in one go?

You can charge a payment for multiple Orders to the same or different Customers in one go. To do this, do the following:

  1. Go to the Order Listings page and multi-select Orders you need to charge a payment for.
  2. Click on ‘Actions’ and select ‘Charge Payments’.
    Charge mass payments

3. A dialog box will appear for Order Payments (see image below). Here you can configure details such as payment date, preferred payment gateway, Order payment specifics, and comments.

Charrge payment

Note: CC payments can only be charged to Customers with their cards saved on-file.

4. Hit ‘Charge Payment’ once done. Here’s what you should see next:

Order Payments

Things you should know!

– If you have enabled multiple payment gateways in Settings → Add Ons → Enable Payments through Credit Card, you can choose the one you prefer via a drop-down menu in the Order Payments’ dialog box as illustrated above.

– We do not support this feature when charging payments via PayPal and Square.

– The system automatically chooses the current date as the payment date if you have opted for CC as your payment method. In the case of other payment methods, the system allows you to select any of the previous dates. This helps you to record data on payments received in the past

– You can also edit the Payment Amount and Payment Method for the orders individually.

Specify amount and payment gateway

– The mass action payment feature allows you to add ‘Comments’ for the selected Orders. You can view these comments in the pricing table of all the charged Orders.

Tip: You can mention the Order Number in the comments to make them more specific as shown below.

Order # 37 - Paid

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I am not able to refund a payment made through

If you are unable to refund a payment and are getting an error, it may have occurred due to the following reasons. Your transaction is unsettled, an invalid type, wrong currency type, has an invalid transaction ID, or settled more than 120 days ago. error

Here is a breakdown of the reasons:

  • settles transactions once every 24 hours. If you attempt a refund less than 24 hours after receiving the payment, you will receive this error message. Please allow adequate time for the transaction to settle and initiate the refund again.
  • It has been more than 120 days since the payment settled.
  • Are you using the same currency for the entire transaction? For example, if you received the payment in dollars, and are refunding in euros, the transaction will not go through.
  • Make all transactions from the same account. If you receive the payment and issue the refund from two different accounts, it will create an invalid reference transaction ID.
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